Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Episode 43: Consecrated for the Kingdom of God
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
In this episode, Jason was blessed to be able to have an amazing discussion with Sister Mary Josefa, OSB of the Congregation of The Benedictines of Mary about the role and function of nuns and women religious in the Church today. Sister Mary was also kind enough to take time to discuss the discernment process and how young women who feel called to serve the Church in consecrated life should properly answer and investigate this most important call.
For more information on the Benedictines of Mary or to reach out to a vocations director, visit: https://benedictinesofmary.org/contact-us/
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Episode 42: Retroactive Intercessory Prayer: Real or Hoax?
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
In this episode, Mark and Jason dive into a recent clinical study on the effects of Retroactive Intercessory Prayer.
To read the study for yourself visit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC61047/
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Episode 41: Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church (Byzantine)
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this episode, Mark and Jason head east in our first effort to cover the different churches and rites within the Catholic Church. We start with the Byzantine Rite, which has several distinct churches within it. More specifically we go over the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church, also simply known as the USA as the Byzantine Catholic Church.
We were honored to have two friends join us who attend the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church, Heath Vogel and James Battle. They provided excellent insight from a layman's perspective. If you haven't ever attended a Divine Liturgy at the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church, we highly encourage you to do so. You will be struck by the beauty and reverence that our eastern brethren have.
St John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church in Houston website: https://stjohnchrysostom.com/
As always, please feel free to contact us at tradmenpodcast@gmail.com.
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Twitter: @Trad_Men
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Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Episode 40: 60 Years After Vatican II: A Reflection
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
In this episode, Mark gives his personal reflection on the state of the Catholic Church on the 60th anniversary of the convening of the Second Vatican Council. This is not an expert opinion from a respected and credentialed Catholic journalist. You can find those almost everywhere else. This is a sober and honest discussion from the perspective of an average layman. In that spirit it is submitted for you here.
Articles referenced in this episode:
This is a very interesting talk about Sacrosanctum Concilium. You may or may not find the conclusions reached in this talk convincing. In my experience, however, it is the only explanation of the thinking of the council fathers on this document that makes coherent sense and, when understood in this light, made me actually love this document:
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Episode 39: Know Your Rights!
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
In this episode, Mark takes a few minutes to give a bird’s eye view of your rights under the U.S. Constitution as regards possible encounters with law enforcement. I know it seems like a strange topic for a show about Catholicism but there are some alarming stories about law enforcement agencies harassing or targeting pro-life ministries and those individuals active in that apostolate. Thus, we thought this might be a good opportunity to give a brief overview of exactly what your rights are and the best way to handle an encounter with the Police. This is by no means exhaustive nor does this constitute legal advice. As always, for specific advice relating to a situation you have had, please contact an attorney in your state for legal help.
Visit our website at https://tradmenpodcast.com/ and visit the shop for some cool merch!
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Episode 38: The Charismatic Catholic Movement
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
In this episode, the Trad Men are joined by Jeremiah over at Paleocrat to discuss the Charismatic Catholic movement. What’s your take on this phenomenon that’s going on in the Church?
Visit our website at https://tradmenpodcast.com/ and visit the shop for some cool merch!
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Episode 37: Anabaptist Rebellion - Utopia or Dystopia
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Jason joins our friends over at Avoiding Babylon to discuss the Anabaptist movement, and in particular, the Anabaptist Rebellion at Munster around 1534. This story is interesting and will be sure to grab you by surprise.
Make sure to like and share this video as well as to subscribe to our channel.
Give Avoiding Babylon a follow at:
YouTube: @Avoiding Babylon
Twitter: @AvoidBabylon
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Prophets of Doom can be found here: https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-48-prophets-of-doom/
Be sure to also check out our website at https://www.tradmenpodcast.com and visit the store for some cool merch!
Twitter: @Trad_Men
Jason's Twitter: @Jason_TradMen
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Episode 36: Pregnancy Centers
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
In this episode we welcome our friend and guest Angela Erickson on the show to discuss Pregnancy Centers, sometimes referred to as Crisis Pregnancy Centers. We learn the good work they are doing, dispel the lies perpetrated against them, and how we can support those women who find themselves at a crossroads.
Like with all sin, it doesn't just effect you but those around you. We discuss the good work that is being done by Rachel's Vineyard (link below) to address this need as well.
Please support Angela and her good work on YouTube, most major podcast platforms, and the below links:
Twitter: @integratedang
YouTube: @Integrated with Angela Erickson
To learn more about Heartbeat International and Rachel's Vineyard:
Be sure to also check out our website at https://www.tradmenpodcast.com and visit the store for some cool merch!
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Episode 35: The Light of the East
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
In this episode, the Trad Men introduce a series of episodes coming soon on the Eastern Catholic liturgical traditions and how these brothers and sisters play an integral role in the Church's liturgical diversity. Mark also gives out some free legal advice.
Be sure to check out website at https://tradmenpodcast.com/ and visit the store for some cool merch!
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Episode 34: Embrace the Desert
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
In this short episode, Mark discloses his difficulties in the spiritual life and looks to one of the greatest Saints for guidance in times of spiritual dryness.
Be sure to visit our website at https://tradmenpodcast.com/ and don't forget to visit the store at https://tradmenpodcast.com/shop and pick yourself up some Trad Men merch which doubles as real life Modernist repellant!